Be sure to leave the rgb= OUT.
White rgb= #FFFFFF | Red rgb= #FF0000 | Green rgb= #00FF00 | Blue rgb= #0000FF |
Magenta rgb= #FF00FF | Cyan rgb= #00FFFF | Yellow rgb= #FFFF00 | Black rgb= #000000 |
Aquamarine rgb= #70DB93 | Baker's Chocolate rgb= #53317 | Blue Violet rgb= #9F5F9F | Brass rgb= #B5A642 |
Bright Gold rgb= #D9D919 | Brown rgb= #A62A2A | Bronze rgb= #8C7853 | Bronze II rgb= #A67D3D |
Cadet Blue rgb= #5F9F9F | Cool Copper rgb= #D98719 | Copper rgb= #B87333 | Corn Flower Blue rgb= #42426F |
Dark Brown rgb= #5C4033 | Dark Green rgb= #2F4F2F | Dark Green Copper rgb= #4A766E | Dark Olive Green rgb= #4F4F2F |
Dark Orchid rgb= #9932CD | Dark Purple rgb= #871F78 | Dark Slate Blue rgb= #6B238E | Dark Slate Grey rgb= #2F4F4F |
Dark Tan rgb= #97694F | Dark Turquoise rgb= #7093DB | Dark Wood rgb= #855E42 | Dim Grey rgb= #545454 |
Dusty Rose rgb= #856363 | Feldspar rgb= #D19275 | Firebrick rgb= #8E2323 | Forest Green rgb= #238E23 |
Gold rgb= #CD7F32 | Goldenrod rgb= #DBDB70 | Grey rgb= #C0C0C0 | Green Copper rgb= #527F76 |
Green Yellow rgb= #93DB70 | Hunter Green rgb= #215E21 | Indian Red rgb= #4E2F2F | Khaki rgb= #9F9F5F |
Light Blue rgb= #C0D9D9 Light | Grey rgb= #A8A8A8 | Light Steel Blue rgb= #8F8FBD | Light Wood rgb= #E9C2A6 |
Lime Green rgb= #32CD32 | Mandarian Orange rgb= #E47833 | Maroon rgb= #8E236B Medium | Aquamarine rgb= #32CD99 |
Medium Blue rgb= #3232CD | Medium Forest Green rgb= #6B8E23 | Medium Goldenrod rgb= #EAEAAE | Medium Orchid rgb= #9370DB |
Medium Sea Green rgb= #426F42 | Medium Slate Blue rgb= #7F00FF | Medium Spring Green rgb= #7FFF00 | Medium Turquoise rgb= #70DBDB |
Medium Violet Red rgb= #DB7093 | Medium Wood rgb= #A68064 | Midnight Blue rgb= #2F2F4F | Navy Blue rgb= #23238E |
Neon Blue rgb= #4D4DFF | Neon Pink rgb= #FF6EC7 | New Midnight Blue rgb= #00009C | New Tan rgb= #EBC79E |
Old Gold rgb= #CFB53B | Orange rgb= #FF7F00 | Orange Red rgb= #FF2400 | Orchid rgb= #DB70DB |
Pale Green rgb= #8FBC8F | Pink rgb= #BC8F8F | Plum rgb= #EAADEA | Quartz rgb= #D9D9F3 |
Rich Blue rgb= #5959AB | Salmon rgb= #6F4242 | Scarlet rgb= #8C1717 | Sea Green rgb= #238E68 |
Semi-Sweet Chocolate rgb =#6B4226 | Sienna rgb= #8E6B23 | Silver rgb= #E6E8FA | Sky Blue rgb= #3299CC |
Slate Blue rgb= #007FFF | Spicy Pink rgb= #FF1CAE | Spring Green rgb= #00FF7F | Steel Blue rgb= #236B8E |
Summer Sky rgb= #38B0DE | Tan rgb= #DB9370 | Thistle rgb= #D8BFD8 | Turquoise rgb= #ADEAEA |
Very Dark Brown rgb= #5C4033 | Very Light Grey rgb= #CDCDCD | Violet rgb= #4F2F4F | Violet Red rgb= #CC3299 |
Wheat rgb= #D8D8BF | Yellow Green rgb= #99CC32 |
There are 5 different aspects of a web page who's color you can control.
They are the background, the regular text, the unvisited links,
the currently active link and visited links.
Of these, the currently active
link is least likely to be used.
The color codes supplied can be used with any
of the objects, not just for backgrounds.
The HTML coding is fairly simple. Leave the period (<.)out of your tag.
It is there now to prevent our browsers from reading it as a command line.
For the background color use this: <.body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
This produces a page with a white background because
the color code #FFFFFF is the code for white.
To change the text color,
use the following: <.body text="#000000">
This produces a page with black text
because the color code #000000
is the code for black.
To change the unvisited links color,
use the following: <.body link="#00FF00">
This produces a page with blue links because
the color code #00FF00 is the code for blue.
To change the active link color,
use the follow: <.body alink="#DB70DB">
This produces a page with purple links
while the link is active because
the color code #DB70DB is the code for purple.
To change the visited link color,
use the following: <.body vlink="#FF0000">.
This produces a page with red visted links because
the color code #FF0000 is the code for red.
The color codes are made up of 3 2-digit codes with
each 2 digit code representing the amount of red,
blue or green that makes up the color.
The digits are not base 10 numbers which
make them look strange to most people.
They are actually hexidecimal or base 16.
So 10 in hexidecimal is 16 in base 10.
A color that starts with 00 has
no red and a color that ends in 00 has no blue.
A color that starts with FF has full red and a
color with FF as its middle pair of
digits has full green.
There now several utilities for most computers
to determine Netscape color codes.
There are also some other sites which have "cgi" programs
running which can help in choosing codes.
This page was meant to be a cross section
of the 16 million codes now available.
Not every browser displays color the same way.
For example, Netscape on Macintosh and Windows will
sometimes dither color that make up the background.
The dithering pattern makes text
difficult to read.
A solution is to create with a graphics program
a small square image filled with the color
that you want for your background.
Then use Netscape's background comand within the body like so:
<.body background="red.gif">
Remember to place a <./body>
at the end of your html file.
Tags are like instructions that tell the browser what to do.
The structure of every tag is identical; each consists of
a left-angle bracket (< or "less than" sign), a tag name, and a
right-angle bracket (> or "greater than" sign). Most tags occur
in pairs that contain the content the instructions act upon, hence
they are known as containers.
Confused? Don't be --
the following example should help.
Let's say you want to place the word "Hello" on
a Web page so that appears centered on the page.
You would do the following:
The first tag, <.center>, tells that browser
what follows is to be centered on the page,
and the second tag, <./center>,
tells that browser the instruction is complete.
Once you have accomplished this
you can use "Copy and Paste" to make more tags or pages.
If you recognize any part of this text as your hard work,
please e-mail so that
I may give the proper credit.
This page is compilation of my own
and information from the Internet that was e-mailed to me.
Like this page? Tell a friend!
© 1996 - 2007 Bob Kelso--Any use or redistribution, in any form
or medium, of any Copyrighted material copied from this site without
the express written consent of the owners of the Copyright is prohibited
and punishable by law.